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How to buy packs


If you're decied to buy one of the packs or maybe a bundle, you'll have to place an order through the Eve forums :


  • Post a message on the thread specifying you sent ISK and Eve mail

  • Send the right amount of ISK to my main character : Yehala, with an Eve-Mail including the pack you want, and your google address !

  • Receive your documents in 24 hours (EU TZ)




  • The spreadsheets are google sheets, you need a valid Gmail address

  • All updates/new features for any packs have always been Free for previous customers and will stay like that

  • I'm selling a serie of documents that you can use to develop your activity. I'm not responsible for any losses or mistakes you can make ingame.

  • I reserve to myself the right to modify Packs prices in the future

  • There is a lot of ressources about spreadsheets for EVE, you can easily make your own for free if you are willing to :)

  • Credits to LockeFox and Steve Ronuken, for providing such a big help to the community



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